I paid for him to come visit me.’ So she’s very definitely claiming responsibility for it.”Įven if Gypsy Rose was being abused by Dee Dee, murder is still a crime. “She’s taken responsibility for being the mastermind which is interesting,” Harden said. Esme (Emily Skeggs) found a boy (Brennan Keel Cook) to help her kill her mother.
Gypsy Rose has shared her side, but that too is influenced by her prison term. So how aware or how badly she felt about it? That’s what we don’t know.” “She forced her to be part of her own sickness in every way. “That’s what I think and my judgment is,” Harden said. Without that, Harden still has questions. Harden wishes Blanchard had kept a journal so that she could understand a mother’s rationalization for committing Munchausen by proxy. Sign up for our TV newsletter! If only Marcia Gay Harden could know what Dee Dee Blanchard, the basis for Camille, was really thinking.